Your guide to financial services in the Czech Republic

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At Fingo, our aim is to make accessing financial services easy for everyone and to make it even simpler, we do as much online as possible. Get started with our calculators to learn how you can get discounts and save thousands per month, or browse our FREE services below for more information.

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    Our consultants are licensed by the Czech national bank

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    Our commission comes from the banks and insurance companies we offer

How can FinGO assist you?

  • Mortgage and Home Loans

    • We are familiar with the conditions that exist where the applicant resides
    • Calculate how much you can borrow and what your repayments will be.
    • Run checks on your credit history with individual providers.
    • Compare offers of 8 mortgage providers and 4 building societies.
    • Understand the product offering and its terms and conditions.
    • Organize everything online.
  • Proper Life Insurance

    • Assess the suitability of your current contract.
    • Identify the risks that are crucial for you.
    • Compare offers from 11 insurance companies.
    • Select insurance exactly according to your needs.
    • We recommend a product valid in the regions where you operate.
    • Arrange everything online, for selected products.
  • Liability Insurance

    • Figure out an appropriate level of insurance based on your circumstances
    • Compare offers from 11 providers.
    • We are familiar with all exemptions and territorial coverage.
    • We set the appropriate scope of insurance.
    • Arrange everything online.
  • Property Insurance

    • Estimate your property and contents value.
    • Compare offers from 11 providers.
    • Select the best product, including advantageous supplementary services, such as assistance.
    • Arrange everything online.
  • Investing and Saving

    • We offer mutual funds and qualified investor funds from 10 investment companies.
    • You can choose from more than 1,200 investment products.
    • We facilitate the purchase of physical gold from three producers.
    • We’ll help you review products and investment managers.
    • A financial advisor will assist you with online arrangements.
  • Pension security

    • Calculate the amount needed for a comfortable retirement.
    • Determine how much you need to save for this goal.
    • Compare offers from 8 providers.
    • Select a suitable combination of products and strategies.
    • Understand the terms.
    • Arrange everything online.
  • Car Insurance

    • Verify the current value of your vehicle
    • Assist with the mandatory liability insurance
    • Correctly set the price and terms of comprehensive insurance.
    • Compare offers from 10 providers.
    • Arrange everything online.
  • Loan for Anything

    • Choose the best kind of loan for you.
    • Compare offers from 11 loan providers.
    • Choose a product with the most favorable terms.
    • Arrange everything online.

Arrange a FREE consultation with an advisor in a language you understand

I'm interested in:

Take advantage of comprehensive, fully free financial advisory services

1 Setkejte se s poradcem

eet with an advisor who understands your needs

2 Využijte veškerý servis

Utilize all the services available

3 Dlouhodobá péče

Rely on long-term care


Why choose us

  • 1
    Don´t waste your time and money; let us prepare offers for you right away.
    You´ll save an average of a day off work and travel. You´ll get instant quotes from most of the market.
  • 2
    Don´t choose from just one bank or insurance company. There are many more options on the market.
    From dozens of banks and insurance companies, choose the one with the best conditions for you.
  • 3
    Don´t just accept what´s offered to you; choose what suits your needs.
    Take your time to compare the features of different offers.
  • 4
    Don’t get bogged down in extra terms and conditions; choose a solution that´s ideal for you.
    Take independent advice and freely make decisons based on what you need.
  • 5
    Don’t let the providers treat you as their assistant, chasing paperwork.
    We’ll handle the entire process for you, supporting you at each step.

Benefits of a Mortgage quote from FingoEverything is free and non-binding.

Benefits of a Mortgage quote from FingoEverything is free and non-binding.

  • Free service
  • Save money by comparing offers
  • Save time with online negotiations
  • Help improve creditworthiness
  • Save money with proper insurance settings
  • Handle and simplify administrative tasks
  • Always available, including weekends
  • Representing your interests
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We compare products from the best

  • Česká podnikatelská pojišťovna, a.s.
  • Generali Česká Pojišťovna a.s.
  • Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s.
  • Allianz pojišťovna, a. s.
  • NN Životní pojišťovna N. V.
  • UNIQA pojišťovna, a.s.
  • Conseq Investment Management, a.s.
  • Česká spořitelna a.s.
  • Československá obchodní banka, a.s.
  • Direct pojišťovna, a.s.
  • Komerční banka a.s.
  • MetLife Europe Limited
  • UniCredit Bank Czech Republic
  • AGRA pojišťovna
  • Air Bank - ZONKY
  • Allianz penzijní společnost, a. s.
  • AVANT investiční společnost, a.s.
  • CODYA investiční společnost a.s.
  • Cofidis s.r.o.
  • Conseq penzijní společnost, a.s.
  • CYRRUS a.s.
  • Česká mincovna, a.s.
  • Česká spořitelna - penzijní společnost, a.s.
  • ČSOB Leasing, a.s.
  • ČSOB penzijní společnost
  • ČSOB Pojišťovna, a.s.
  • D.A.S. právní ochrana, pobočka ERGO Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft pro ČR
  • EFEKTA obchodník s cennými papíry a.s.
  • Europ Assistance s.r.o.
  • European Compensation Services s. r. o.
  • Generali Investments CEE, investiční společnost, a.s.
  • Generali penzijní společnost, a.s.
  • Golden Oak Trust
  • HALALI, všeobecná pojišťovna, a.s.
  • ČSOB Hypoteční banka
  • IBIS InGold, a.s.
  • INTEFI Capital - Oportio
  • INVESTIKA, investiční společnost, a.s.
  • J&T BANKA, a.s.
  • KB Penzijní společnost, a.s.
  • Komerční pojišťovna, a.s.
  • MAXIMA pojišťovna, a.s.
  • mBank S.A.
  • Modrá pyramida stavební spořitelna, a.s.
  • NEY spořitelní družstvo
  • NN Penzijní společnost, a.s.
  • Oberbank AG pobočka Česká republika
  • Pillow pojišťovna, a.s.
  • Pojištovna VZP, a.s.
  • Raiffeisen - Leasing s.r.o.
  • Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna a.s.
  • Raiffeisenbank a.s.
  • Slavia pojišťovna a.s.
  • Stavební spořitelna České spořitelny, a.s.
  • SV pojišťovna, a.s.
  • UNIQA penzijní společnost, a.s.
  • WOOD Company
  • YouPLUS